Thursday, October 23, 2008

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

For outside reading this week, I looked up some old film reviews and found one on Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, one of my childhood favorites. Craig Butler, the author of the review, claims the, "mixture fails to gel". He says the movie is sweet and the adult actors are good, but the children are over the top, the movie is too long, and is too frightening for children. He goes on to say the movie is not very inventive and the dialogue doesn't work. Butler appreciates the movie and enjoyed watching Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, but thinks the movie missed its chance at being a huge hit among families.
I disagree with Craig Butler's take on Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. As a child I fell in love with the songs, the dancing, the flying car, and how the movie incorporates a bit of fantasy into real life. Being a scardy cat when it comes to horror movies, I was surprised that Butler claims the movie is too scary when it never even gave me nightmares. Granted, I did always glance around to make sure an adult was near by when approaching the ice cream truck so I didn't get stolen away like all the little kids in the movie, but I actually enjoyed being a little scared. I was, and still am, mesmerized by the zany inventions and all of the crazy characters. I would give the movie five starts for the memorable characters, the fun props, a catchy plot, and wonderful songs!
Butler, Craig. "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Movie Review." 23 Oct. 2008 .
* should be underlined but BlogSpot won't let me


Meghan M said...

I agree with you Hannah and also think this was an excellent movie with great vocal numbers and a fun mix between reality and fantasy. I don’t see why Craig Butler would think it was uninventive because honestly I can’t think one movie that is vaguely similar. I mean really flying cars, kid catchers, candy whistles and catchy songs, what more could you ask for? It’s always been one of my favorites and will remain one even after one bad review.

Katherine M said...

I think it's interesting that a movie geared for children was appreciated by a child, but not by an adult reviewer. Although the reviewer was concerned about the quality of acting and dialogue, most kids would be more interested in the flying cars and fun elements of the movie.

ANNIE said...

I also disagree with what Craig Butler thinks. I enjoyed this movie alot when I was a kid, and I believe that many other kids liked this movie. I don't really understand why Butler thinks the movie is to scary either! I was never scared by this movie. I loved this movie as a kid and I still love it now.